Job Management                                Job Costing                                          Labor Costs

Automated Dispatch Timesheets

If scheduling Installers to work on Jobs using the SedonaSchedule, your company has the option of automatically generating a Job Timesheet when the Dispatch times are entered for the Job appointment.  If opting to automatically generate Job Timesheets, the labor hours/dollars applied to the Job may include or exclude travel time to the Job.  The setup for generating Automated Job Timesheets is found on the Install Company setup form in SedonaSetup.

The Labor costs that are applied to Jobs when using Automated Job Timesheets is determined by the rates set up for your Installers in SedonaSetup (Installers setup table).  The labor rates entered in the Installer setup may be the same burdened labor rate that is used when preparing customer quotes or the actual labor rate the Installer is paid. 

If your company is using Payroll Timesheets, your company is still able to schedule Installers using SedonaSchedule, however make certain the Automated Job Timesheet option is not activated in the Install Company setup.


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