Job Management                                Reopening a Closed Job

Reopening a Job (continued)

4.  If the Change Order option was not selected on the Job Re-Open form, the Job record will open to the Sales Summary form.  If the Change Order option was selected, the New Change Order form will be displayed.  Enter a Sold Date; this is typically the date the change order was authorized by the customer.  If your company is using the Sales Period Close function, and the date on which the change order was authorized is in a closed sales month, you must enter a date in the current sales month.  It is always a good idea to enter notes into the change order form; this field has a 256 character limit.  If the Change Order is being opened for the purpose of creating credits or removing parts, make certain to select the Manual Reversal option.

Click the Apply button located at the lower right of the form when finished.

Process the Change Order as you would any other change order.  For information on processing Change Orders, follow the link.  If additional invoicing will be done, complete all invoicing then close the job using the normal job closing process.

If the Job was re-opened without a Change Order, after entering the additional expenses, close the job using the normal job closing process.



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