Job Management                                Job Planner

Job Planner Overview (continued)

Basic Concepts

The Job Planner was designed to be used by Installation Mangers, Job Planners/Schedulers, Project Managers, or any staff member involved in the planning of labor resources for Jobs.  Usage of various elements of the Job Planner may done by one individual or shared responsibility between a planning person and a scheduling person.

This tool is designed to review upcoming Jobs (and their Tasks to be scheduled), submit requests for Tasks to be scheduled, and finally schedule appointments for the Jobs.

Upcoming Jobs are reviewed within a Gantt Chart; only Jobs where a User has input a Projected Start Date within the Job Work Order form will appear in the Gantt Chart.  The Projected Start Date becomes the baseline for when Job Tasks need to be scheduled.  Job Tasks may be moved within the Gantt Chart based upon available labor resources (Installers).

Once Job Tasks are placed on the desired dates within the Gantt Chart, the User selects individual Job Tasks and submits a Session Request.  A Session Request is basically a request for a Job Appointment to be scheduled.  Session Requests are not saved to the database; these are basically pending or "what-if" requests until they are actually Submitted for scheduling.

After all Session Requests have been made, the User reviews the Session Request List, then Submits the Session Requests (for scheduling).  Prior to Submitting the Session Requests, the User may remove one or multiple Jobs from the list to be scheduled at a later time.  If the User logs out of the SedonaSchedule prior to Submitting the Session Requests, all Session Requests will be cleared from the list.

Submitting the Session Requests moves all Job Tasks in the Session Request List to the Request Tree

The Request Tree is a list of Jobs for which appointments need to be created.  The User creating Job Appointments may drag and drop from the Request Tree onto the Installer Availability area of the Job Planner, or drag and drop directly onto the SedonaSchedule Scheduling Board.  As Jobs Job Appointments are created, those Jobs drop off of the List in the Request Tree.


Please refer to the flow chart on next page for a visual representation of the Job Planner Basic Functionality.



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