SedonaSchedule                               SedonaSchedule Designed Functionality                      Ticket Design

Tickets Overview (continued)

The application will automatically calculate billable parts, labor and other charges for the Ticket as user input progresses.  The calculated Ticket charges is automated based on information stored within the System record for the Ticket.  Each System is assigned a Warranty Code with a start date, and a Service Level.  The Warranty Code determines the length of time the System is covered under the initial warranty, and what the warranty covers; Parts, Labor and Other charges.  The Service Level contains the billing rules that will be used once the warranty period has expired.  You have the option of overriding either the Warranty or the Service Level if you want to invoice the customer due to unusual circumstances such as damage caused by the customer.

Automating the process of calculating Ticket charges is designed to save valuable time and minimize data entry errors.

The diagram below illustrates the typical Service Ticket process flow.




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