SedonaSchedule                               SedonaSchedule Processing Transactions                      Create a Service Ticket

Service Ticket Form Definitions

Ticket Header

The left side of the Ticket Header displays the Customer Number and Name along with the Site Name and address.  In the center of the Header, the Ticket Creation date/time,  the Created By (User name creating the Ticket), and the current ticket Status.  The right side of the Header is where the User will select or enter Contact information.  Contact information is not required to save the Ticket, however it is a good practice to fill in this information for future reference by other staff members.

Contact Field - You may make a selection from the drop-down list to select from the Site Contacts on file.  If no Contacts appear in the drop-down list, you may create a Contact record on the fly by clicking on the telephone icon to the right of the Contact field and filling out the information.  This contact will then be saved to the Site Contact list for future use and fill in on the current Service Ticket.  If you do not want to select an existing contact or create a contact record, you may manually type in the Contact Name, phone number, and in the Notify field you may enter the contact’s email address.  The contact name and phone number will print on a Ticket and be displayed to Technician’s using the FSU (field service unit).

Phone Number Field - If a Contact Name was selected from the drop-down list, the associated phone number will automatically populate this field.  You may change this to a different phone number if needed.  If the phone number is changed,  it will only affect this ticket and will not update the contact record on file.

Notify Field - If a Contact Name was selected from the drop-down list, the associated email address (if any) will automatically populate this field.  You may manually type in an email address.  If your company is using SedonaSync and it is your policy is to email notifications to the customer regarding the Ticket, then this field must be populated.


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