SedonaSchedule                               SedonaSchedule Processing Transactions                      Ticket Invoicing

Ticket Invoicing

Ticket Invoicing Overview

Service and Inspection Tickets are invoiced individually from the Billing form of the Ticket.  The only exception to this is companies using Group Tickets.

Typically, either a staff member in the Service Department or the Accounting Department will review all Tickets prior to invoicing to ensure that all charges and costs have been accounted for on the Ticket.  The person who actually creates the invoice is determined by your internal company policies and procedures and providing the users with the appropriate permissions to do so.

If your customer System records have accurate Warranty codes, warranty start dates, and correct Service Levels assigned, charges will automatically be calculated by the software.  The person performing the invoicing is a second set of eyes to make certain the charges that were automatically calculated fit the particular situation for the Ticket.

It is a good practice to develop a company checklist of the items to review on a ticket prior to creating the Customer Invoice.  This will minimize billing errors that would require corrections to the original invoice and/or crediting-off and re-invoicing the Customer.  Below is a sample checklist.

·Purchase Orders - Make certain any/all Purchase Orders created for the Ticket have been received.

·Notes - Read the notes to see if any parts were used; check the Equipment and Parts form to make certain the Parts are listed there.  If printing the Resolution Note on the Invoice, make certain the text for the Resolution Note is "Customer Friendly".

·Appointments - Make certain all Technician Appointments have been completely dispatched and the times are correct.

·Labor - Review the calculated Labor charges for accuracy.

·Parts - Review the parts used on the Ticket and verify the correct warehouse is selected for issuing the parts and that the correct part number(s) was selected.

·Equipment List - If parts were replaced, make certain the Part Replacement function was done to take the removed parts out of service.

·Other Items - Review any/all Invoice Items added to the list to ensure correct pricing and descriptions that will print on the invoice are customer-friendly.

Note: User Group Permissions are required to create an invoice, and to be able to modify labor charges and override the warranty and/or service level automatic charges.  Permission is also required to be able to close a Ticket.

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