Job Management                                Job Invoicing                                          Job Invoice Definitions

Job Invoice - Body Section

The Invoice Body is divided into three possible forms; Items, Parts and WIP MLOC (Work in Process -Materials, Labor, Overhead, Commissions).  The WIP form will only be displayed if your company is using Work in Process accounts for job expenses. 

Items Tab

The Items form is automatically filled in with all Install Charges and Recurring Charges setup on the Job that have not yet been invoiced. The quantity column for Recurring Charges is controlled by the dates entered in the Bill RMR section of the Invoice Header.  For more information see Bill RMR on page 1 of this topic.

Item - This is the Invoice Item Code setup on the Job Install Charges or the Job Recurring Charges.

Description - The default description associated with the Invoice Item in SedonaSetup will default.  This field may not be modified.  If you need to change the description of the charge that will print on the customer invoice, this must be done on the Job Install or Recurring Charge line(s) prior to generating the invoice.

Qty - For Install Charge lines, the quantity will automatically fill in with the quantity specified on the Install Charges lines with in Job.  If performing progress invoicing, the quantity may be changed.  For example if you wish to invoice 50% of the Install Charge, enter .50.  The next time the Job is invoiced, only the remaining quantity will default into the Job Invoice.  For Recurring Charge Lines, the quantity is controlled by the dates entered in the Bill RMR section of the Job Invoice Header.

Rate - The rate will automatically fill in with the rate specified on the Install and Recurring Charge lines with in Job.  If performing progress invoicing, the rate may be changed to any amount (instead of changing the quantity in the previous field).  The next time the Job is invoiced, only the remaining amount will default into the Job Invoice.

Amount - The Amount field is automatically calculated; Qty x Rate.  This field may not be modified.




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