SedonaSchedule                               SedonaSchedule Designed Functionality                      Ticket Design

Ticket Design

Equipment and Parts

The Equipment and Parts form is divided into two tiers; the upper tier will display existing equipment installed for the system and the lower tier is where parts used by a Technician on the Ticket are added.  This form is also used to perform Part Replacements if the Technician is replacing an existing part in the equipment list. As Parts are added to the lower ties, default pricing will be defaulted but may be modified by the User if necessary.  By default, Parts Inventory is deducted from the Warehouse associated with the Technician scheduled to the Ticket.  The warehouse may be overridden by the User.  Once a Ticket has been closed, any parts used on the Ticket will update the System Equipment List as long as the Part setup is flagged to update the equipment list.

FRM 25013

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