SedonaSchedule                               SedonaSchedule Processing Transactions                      Re-Schedule an Appointment

Re-Schedule an Appointment

Re-Schedule an Appointment from the Dispatch Form

This re-scheduling method is performed from the Schedule Board, and would be used if you are re-scheduling for a different date and/or a different Technician.

From the Schedule Board, click once on the Appointment to be re-scheduled.  Next click on the Edit button within the Ticket Detail Viewer. 

The Ticket/Job Dispatch form will be displayed.  You may change the Technician by clicking on the drop-down arrow [in the Technician field] and selecting another name from the list.  You may change the Appointment Date, by clicking the drop-down arrow in the Scheduled field and select a new date on the Calendar.  You may also change the appointment time by clicking the drop-down arrow in the Time field and selecting a choice from the list.

Click the Save button when finished.  The Appointment will now be moved to the Technician/Date/Time selected.


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