Job Management                                Job Management Setup                               Job Type Setup

Job Type - Job Tasks Form

Each Job Type must be assigned at least one Job Task.  Job Tasks are typically the major milestones that need to be completed to install a system.  You may create a list of as many job tasks as needed for the Job Type. 

Fields on the Job Tasks Form

Job Task - Selections are made from the drop-down list.  The list of choices are entered and maintained by your company in the Job Tasks setup table within SedonaSetup.  A Job Task is an event that needs to occur to complete the Job.

Job Status - Selections are made from the drop-down list.  The list of choices are entered and maintained by your company in the Job Status setup table within SedonaSetup.  Job Statuses indicate where a Job is in the process of being completed.

Lab Days - This field is used in conjunction with the Job Planner; this is the number of labor days required to complete the Job Task.  Entries are made in half-hour increments.

Invoice - If this option is checked, this indicates that once this Task is approved, the Job is available to be Invoiced.  You may mark multiple Task rows as Invoicing points.

Sequence Locks Job - If this option is checked, once this Task is approved, the Job will become locked.  Once a Job is locked, no changes may be made to Install Charges, the Materials List, the RMR Charges, Commissions, and several fields on the Job Work Order form.  Any additions or reductions to billable charges will require a Change Order be created.




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