Job Management                                Purchasing Parts and Expense Items                                Purchase Orders from Accounts Payable

Purchase Orders from Accounts Payable

Purchase Orders for Parts or Expense Items may be created for a Job from the Accounts Payable module; follow the steps below.

1.  From the Main Application Menu navigate to Accounts Payable and select the Purchase Orders menu option.

2.  The Purchase Order List will be displayed.  Click the New button located at the lower right of the form.

3.  The New Purchase Order form will be displayed.  After selecting the Vendor in the upper left corner of the form, either type in the Job number or click the lookup button to the right of the Job Number field to lookup the correct Job number for the PO. 

Ordering Parts

If the parts will be direct expensed to the Job, check the Direct Expense checkbox located at the upper right of the form.  If the parts will be received into a Warehouse and later issued to the Job, in the Warehouse field, select the desired warehouse from the drop-down list.

Ship To Address

When the Direct Expense checkbox is selected on the PO, the Ship To address will default to the address of the Branch for the Job.  If the Direct Expense checkbox is not selected, you will select the Warehouse to which the parts will ship and the Ship To address will default to the address on the Warehouse setup.

To the left of the Ship To field are two buttons; Edit and Drop Ship.  Clicking on the Edit button will open the Ship To address field where you may type in the desired Ship To name and address.  Clicking on the Drop Ship button will automatically change the Ship To address to the Site name and address for the Job.

The Parts tab of the Purchase Order will automatically fill in with all parts needed from this Vendor that have not already been ordered which the Stock checkbox is not selected on the Job Materials form.

When finished, click the OK button to save the Purchase Order.  If your company has subscribed to SedonaDocs, and you want to attach a document to the Purchase Order, instead of clicking on the OK button, click on the Apply button then navigate to the Documents tab and scan in or attach an existing document.  When finished click the OK button to save the Document(s) to the Purchase Order.