Job Management                                Job Invoicing                                          Hold Back Invoicing

Creating a Hold Back Invoice during Job Closing (continued)

3.  The Load Equipment form will be displayed.  At the top of the form enter the date on which the equipment was installed.  The upper tier of the form lists all the inventory parts used on the Job.  To the left of each part is a checkbox indicating this part is a serviceable part and should be loaded to the Systems Equipment list for future servicing of the system.  This checkbox defaults from the part setup.  If any parts in the list should not be saved with the System Equipment List, un-check the checkbox to the left of those part. 

Click the Save button located at the lower right of the form.

  DO NOT click on the Close button - I this is accidentally done, the parts will NOT load to the System Equipment List and you will have to be manually add them to the System from the Customer Explorer.

FRM 10072

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