Accounts Receivable                     Print Invoices                               How to Print Invoices

How to Print Invoices (continued)

Tag All – Clicking this option button will tag (select) all invoices in the list for printing.

Un Tag All – Clicking this option button will un-tag (de-select) all invoices in the list (nothing will be printed).

Invert Tags – If the User has clicked the Un-Tag All button, clicking this button will reverse the last selection.

Tag Selected – If the User has clicked the Un-Tag All button and has made manual selections in the Tag field next to particular invoices, this button will select those invoices for printing.

Un Tag Selected – If the User has clicked the Tag Selected button, this button will de-select those invoices for printing.

Remove From List – If the User has tagged certain invoices that are desired to be removed from the Print List, this button will remove those tagged items.  The next time invoice printing is performed, removed invoices will return to the Print List.  If you never want to print these invoices, then use the Mark as Printed option button to accomplish this.

Mark As Printed – This option is used when you never want to print the invoices listed and want to remove them from the printing queue or if the User did not select the Yes option to the prompt received at the end of invoice printing which asks the User if they want to mark all the invoices as printed.

Preview – This option will display the invoices on the User’s screen to review prior to clicking the print button.  If the form selected has printing options available, then the Printing Preferences form will first be displayed to make your selections.

Print – For certain printing formats, clicking this button will send the invoices directly to the printer.  If the form selected has printing options available, then the Printing Preferences form will first be displayed to make your selections.  The printer used will be that which is set up in the Printer Setup form.



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