Accounts Receivable                     Print Invoices                               How to Print Invoices

How to Print Invoices (continued)

Print On – The form will default to the last selected form used.  If this needs to be changed, from the drop-down list select which printing form will be used to print this group of invoices.  There are several forms available; check with your administrator for the correct form your company has decided to use.  Some of the invoice printing forms have an option to calculate late fees at the time of printing.  If calculating Late Fees or using an Invoice/Statement option, consult with your management team for your companies policy on these settings.

For those customers subscribing to Bridgestone for printing, select the BFIS Export form.  Exporting invoices to Bridgestone is covered under a separate topic; please refer to the topic How to Export Invoices to Bridgestone for more information.



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