The Sedona Modules setup form is the first data entry form that must be completed. To access this form you must login to the SedonaOffice application using the Administrator user name.
This setup form contains two main areas; Sedona Processing and Use Sedona Modules. Each of these will be described below and on the following page.
Sedona Processing Options
This option allows your company to select from one of three Processing Levels that set rules for how frequently a User must change their password and may control the formatting of the password. This Processing Level affects all companies within your SedonaOffice database. If the number of days to change the password has expired, a User will be prompted when attempting to login to change their password. The password must be changed to be able to login. At login attempt, Users will also receive a message 2 days prior to their password expiration date; the User may change the password at this time.
Passwords may also be changed by the User logged into the application from an option (Change Password) located on the Tools menu on the main application toolbar. Below each Processing Level will be described in detail. Please read the rules for each processing level carefully prior to setting this level for your company.
Processing Level 1
This Processing Level described as Low – Basic Sedona Processing is the least restrictive of all three processing levels. If this Processing Level is selected your company has the option to require the User to change their password every X number of days. If selecting a number of days the password must be changed by the User, the new password entered by the User cannot be the same as the current or last four passwords used. If your company does not want to require Users to change their password every certain number of days, set the Change Password Every field to 0; User passwords will never expire. If the Change Password Every is set to 0, the User may change their password anytime desired from an option (Change Password) located on the Tools menu on the main application toolbar.
Processing Level 2
This Processing Level described as Medium – Some Processing Controls employs strict rules as to the format of User passwords. User passwords must be at least 8 characters long, contain at least 1 number, at least one uppercase character and at least 1 lowercase character. Example of a valid password using this processing level is 9JoeSmith. If this Processing Level is selected your company must set the Change Password Every days field to a value between 0 and 365. If your company does not want to require Users to change their password every certain number of days, set the Change Password Every field to 0; User passwords will never expire. The new password entered by the User cannot be the same as the current or last four passwords used. Users may change their password anytime desired from an option (Change Password) located on the Tools menu on the main application toolbar.
Processing Level 3
This Processing Level described as High - Strict Processing Controls employs the same strict rules as to the format of User passwords as used in Processing Level 2. This Processing Level also employs a function to lock-out a User after three failed attempts to login to the application. If the User becomes locked out, the System Administrator will have to access the User table within SedonaSetup and manually change the User’s password. User passwords must be at least 8 characters long, contain at least 1 number, at least one uppercase character and at least 1 lowercase character. Example of a valid password using this processing level is 9JoeSmith. If this Processing Level is selected your company must set the Change Password Every days field to a value between 1 and 365. The new password entered by the User cannot be the same as the current or last four passwords used. Users may change their password anytime desired from an option (Change Password) located on the Tools menu on the main application toolbar.
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