SedonaSetup                                Job Management Setup Tables/Options

Installers - Service Form

If the Both (Service Tech & Installer) button was selected for the Installer, populate the fields on this form.

Service Company - From the drop-down list, select the default Service Company to which the Technician will be assigned.

Warehouse - Select the Warehouse assigned to the Technician.  If a Technician is scheduled to a Ticket and Parts are used, inventory will be removed from this default warehouse.

Text Message Address - You may enter a text message address or an email address in this field for the Technician.  This enables you to sent a text message or email to the Technician with Ticket information.  This field is optional.

Expertise Level - Select the expertise level which applies to the Technician.  The choices listed are controlled by SedonaOffice.  This is a required field.




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