Accounts Receivable                     Print Invoices                               How to Print Invoices

How to Print Invoices (continued)

Branch – If your company is operating under multiple Branches you have the option of selecting one, multiple or all branches in the list.  To select multiple branches, click the Invert Selection button then check the box to the left of each Branch for which you want to print invoices.  If you do not want to see inactive branches, select the Hide Inactive Branches checkbox.


Invoice Type – This option allows the selection one or multiple types of invoices to be printed.  Some companies use a different invoice form for different types of invoices; using this option allows you to select a particular group of invoices before proceeding to a different type to be printed on a different invoice form.


Bill-To Type – This option allows the selection Residential, Commercial or both types of customers.  The default is both.


Dates – This option allows the selection of invoices within a specific invoice date range.  This is typically used if invoices need to be re-printed after they have already been marked as printed during a prior printing session.  If using this option, make certain to un-check the Only Show Invoices in Print Queue option.  If you are wanting to print all the invoices currently in the print queue, do not select a date range.


Invoice Numbers – This option allows the selection of invoices within an invoice number range.  This is mainly used if you need to re-print invoices and the invoices have already been marked as printed.  If using this option, make certain to un-check the Only Show Invoices in Print Queue option.  You may also include a date range as a part of your invoice selection options in conjunction with the invoice number range option.  If you are wanting to print all the invoices currently in the print queue, do not select an invoice number range.


FRM 4045-1

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