Job Management                               Job Approvals

Job Approvals (continued)

Setup (continued)

Job Type

A tab labeled Approvals, is available on the Job Type setup.  On this form you will create a list of all the required job approval groups that must sign-off on the job.  After selecting a Job Approval Group from the drop-down list, the approval level will default to the value entered in the Job Approval Group setup table.  You may override the approval level.  There are two selections boxes on this form; Allow Job Processing and Allow Commissions.  Select the boxes that apply for this Job Approval Group.  If the options Allow Job Processing and Allow Commissions are not selected, the user will just be signing-off on the job but not allowing the job to be processed.



User Group Security

Two new options have been added to the Application Access list for User Groups. 

The first option is Job Approvals; this option must be selected if you want the user to be able to see the Job Approvals menu option within the Job Management module on the main application tree.  If a user is not granted this new permission and the Employee record is associated with a Job Approval Group, they will be able to sign-off on the job approval within the job record but will not have access to the Job Approval Listing.

The second option is Job Remove Approval.  If the user group is granted this permission, they will be allowed to remove a job approval sign-off that is not flagged to Allow Job Processing or Allow Commissions as long as the job has not yet been signed off for processing by another user.



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