Job Management                                Job Management Setup                               Job Type Setup

Job Type - Approvals Form

The Job Approvals form will only be displayed if your company has activated Job Approval Processing on the Job Management Setup Processing form. 

The Job Approval process was designed to add a layer of control to the Job process which requires that one or multiples Users must approve the Job prior to the job being released to your installation department.  You may set up a Job Type to first require the Sales Manager to approve the job, then the Accounting Manager may approve the commissions, and lastly the Operations Manager will approve the job for processing.

You may create a list of as many approvals as needed for this Job Type.  Each approval has the option of allowing Job Processing and/or allowing Commission Processing.  The level that will default into the record is the level assigned to the Job Approval Group in the Job Approval setup table.  You may override the level for any of the records you enter.  For more information on the Job Approval functionality, click here.






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