Job Management                                The Job Record                                         Labor Toolbar


Your company has two choices available for scheduling an Installer to perform work on a job (when scheduling from a Job record); using the Job Schedule or the Job Appointments. The Job Appointments scheduler is an abbreviated view of the Schedule Board within SedonaSchedule.

The Job Schedule is separate Board used for scheduling Jobs only; appointments scheduled with this method do not appear on the SedonaSchedule Schedule Board.  Jobs are scheduled for one or multiple days for one or multiple Installers.  The Job Appointment Scheduler is used to schedule work for Installers for a particular date at a particular time of day (time slot).  The Job Appointment Scheduler is also used for scheduling Technicians to perform work on Service Tickets.

If your Installers and Technicians perform work on both Jobs and Service Tickets, you may decide the best scheduling method for Jobs would be to use SedonaSchedule.  Even if your Service and Install departments operate independently, we highly recommend using SedonaSchedule for scheduling both Jobs and Tickets.  SedonaSchedule provides many more options for scheduling Jobs than using the Job Schedule Board or Job Appointments within the Job record.

Even though the Job Schedule board is currently available for use, this option will not be supported in the near future; it would be best to begin using SedonaSchedule for all your Job scheduling needs.

The Schedule button is used to setup single or multiple schedules for Installers.  To schedule the Job with an Installer, place your mouse in the white area of the Schedule form, right-click then select the Add New Schedule for this Job option.  Selecting this option will open the Schedule Job form to select the Installer and date(s) on which the Installer will be scheduled for work.



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