Job Management                                The Job Record                                          Tools Toolbar

Issue Parts

Selecting the Issue Parts button from the Tools Toolbar will display a list of all parts issued to or returned to stock for the Job.  Parts may be issued to the Job using this form.  Parts may also be returned to stock using this form, if the parts were not direct expensed on a purchase order.  If parts need to be returned to stock that were originally directed expensed, these transactions must be performed from the Inventory menu using the Issue/Return parts option.

When issuing Parts to a Job, you have the ability to mark the parts as being in a "Holding" location.  This would be used if the Parts are being removed from inventory and set aside for the Job, but not yet being installed.  Once the Parts have been handed over to the Installer, you would take the Parts out of "Holding" and select the name of the Installer to whom the parts were given.


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