SedonaSchedule                               SedonaSchedule Processing Transactions                      Schedule a Job Appointment

Schedule a Job Appointment

Scheduling a Job Appointment From the Open Jobs List (continued)

The right side of the Scheduling form is where you will select the Technician for the Appointment; more than one person may be scheduled on this form. 

This area of the form is divided into two tiers; the Upper Tier lists all Technicians in the Display Group that is shown at the top of this form - you may change the Display Group to another if needed.  Double-clicking on a Technician's name in the Upper Tier will move the name down to the Lower Tier.

The software checks the Schedule Board to see if the selected Technician is available for the date/time selected on the left side of the scheduling form.  If the Technician is available, a green checkmark will appear to the left of the proposed appointment.  If the Technician is already scheduled for another appointment for requested date/time, the proposed appointment will be displayed with a red font and a red warning icon to the left of the Technician's name. 

If there is a scheduling conflict with any of the Technicians selected, click once on the Technician name in the upper tier then click on the Remove button.

Once satisfied with the selected Technicians, click on the Schedule button at the lower right of the form. 



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