Accounts Receivable Print Invoices How to Create a Bridgestone Export File
How to Create a Bridgestone Export File (continued)
4. The Bridgestone Export Wizard form will be displayed. Once you make selections on this form, they will be remembered the next time you are ready to create an export file.
·Title - make the appropriate selection from the drop-down list. If you are sending out a combo Invoice/Statement, make that selection; otherwise leave this set to Invoice.
·Scanline Styles - If your company prints a scanline on your invoices, make the appropriate selection from the drop-down list; otherwise skip this field and the Scanline Prefix field.
·Hide Customer Number - If you do not want to print the SedonaOffice Customer Number on your invoices, check this box.
·Use Term Code - If you want to print the actual Term Code associated with your invoices i.e.: Due On Receipt instead of printing the actual due date, then check this box.
·Use resolution note in place... - If you are printing Service Type invoices and you want to print the Resolution Note entered on the Ticket in the Memo field of the invoice, check this box.
·Show Statement Detail - If you are sending out a combo Invoice/Statement, check this box.
When finished entering the information on this form, click on the Next button at the lower right.
FRM 4502-0
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