Accounts Receivable Print Invoices
Each time a new customer invoice is created, it is automatically directed to the Invoice Print Queue. This queue is designed to print invoices in bulk at the end of a business day or another time interval designated by your company. The Invoice Print Queue will hold invoices to be printed until the time when a User prints the invoices and then marks them as printed at the end of the printing process. Prior to or after saving a customer invoice, the User has the option of un-checking the In Print Queue check box on the invoice form which controls whether the invoice is placed in the print queue for future printing.
For SedonaOffice Customers who are using SedonaEmail to email their customer invoices using the PDFExplode product, once the invoices have been emailed, you will need to mark these invoices as printed so they are removed from the Print Queue.
For SedonaOffice Customers who are using SedonaSync and have not contracted with OPT (a Sedonaoffice Business Partner) to email invoices, once the Sync Event has emailed the invoices, there is no need to mark invoices as printed. OPT handles this process behind the scenes. Please refer to the OPT Services topic for more information on this SedonaOffice Partner.
For companies generating Finance Charge Invoices, if it is your policy not to print and send out these types of invoices, you will need to mark these as printed so they will be removed from the Print Queue.
Follow the topic links below for more instructions and information related to Printing Invoices.