SedonaOffice 101 Application Menu View Options 

View Options

Mail Merge

When selecting the Mail Merge option, two sub-options are displayed; Show Columns and Use Template Server.

Show Columns – Selecting the Show Columns option will toggle the Mail Merge option to display a list of all available Mail Merge fields available in a particular area of the Customer Explorer record.  When a Customer Explorer record is open and the User right-clicks to select Mail Merge while one of the following customer tree options is highlighted, the mail merge field names will be displayed.

Mail Merge is available in the following areas of the SedonaOffice application:

·      Customer Explorer – Customer Information, Site record, System record.

·      Customer Cancellation Record

·      Collections*

·      Customer Query Builder*

* SedonaDocs must be purchased and activated to use the Mail Merge functionality.

When the Show Columns is not selected, when in a Customer Explorer Record or anywhere else within the SedonaOffice application where the Mail Merge function is available, a list of Mail Merge Template files is displayed to the User from which to make a selection.

Note:  Please refer to a separate section in the Client Management section of this Help titled MailMerge for complete instructions on how to setup and use this feature.
