SedonaOffice 101 Main Application Menu General Ledger

Main Application Menu

General Ledger Menu

The General Ledger module contains many functions that are typically used by senior accounting level SedonaOffice Users.  Each option within the module is secured by User Group Security permissions.  All options within the General Ledger Module are covered in depth under the General Ledger topic heading.

Accounting Periods – This option is used to maintain the status of individual accounting periods.

Account Register – Selecting this option allows the User to search for and display the activity for one general ledger account.

Chart of Accounts – This option is used to maintain the company chart of accounts.  Users with permissions may add, change or delete G/L account numbers.  G/L accounts where activity has been recorded may not be deleted.

Close Fiscal Year – This option is used to close an accounting year and roll forward the retained earnings.

Deferred Income – This option has two functions; to display deferred income to be earned as of a particular date and to perform the process of recognizing deferred income as of a particular date.

GL Query Builder – Selecting this option will open the GL Query Builder tool. This tool functions the same as the Customer Query Builder tool.  Instructions on how to use the Customer Query Builder tool is available later in this Help.

Journal Entry – This option is used to create manual Journal Entries and to set up Journal Entry Templates that may be retrieved for repetitive use.

Reconcile Bank Account – This option is used to reconcile a bank account.

Register Number Lookup – This option functions similarly to the Account Register option; with this option the User must enter a register number for a transaction to be displayed.

Royalties & Commissions – This option opens a selection criteria form for displaying royalties due for recurring invoices or commissions due for installation jobs.