SedonaOffice 101 Main Application Menu Payroll

Main Application Menu

Payroll Menu

Payroll is an add-on module that must be purchased to enable this functionality.  This payroll feature is designed to interface with ADP and Paycomm payroll companies to create a payroll export file.  Each option within the module is secured by User Group Security permissions.

Import – Selecting this option will allow the User to import payroll data into the general ledger of SedonaOffice from one of the following payroll sources: Pensoft, ADP, and Ceridian.

Timesheets – This option is used to create, edit, export and post payroll batches.

Timesheet Employee Records – This option is used to view a listing of all payroll entries that have been entered and posted for an individual employee.

Timesheet Employee Register – This is an option is used to view a listing of payroll amounts posted to the general ledger for a single employee.