Inspections Inspection Record Setup
Setting Up a New Inspection Record (continued)
5. The System Inspections form will be displayed. Fill in the data fields on the form then press the Save button on the Inspections form then press the Save button at the lower right of the System record to save the Inspection record to the System record.
· Description - the User may type in any label to described the Inspection; the character limit in this field is 50.
· Frequency, Service Problem Code, and Service Level - make selections from the drop-down lists in these fields.
· Last Inspection Date - this field is optional. If the last inspection date is known, enter the date or select the date using the calendar to the right of the field.
· Next Inspection Date - this field is required. Enter the next date the System is due to be inspected.
· Notes - this field is optional. Any information entered into this field will be create a field note with this information when the Inspection Ticket is generated. Up to 1024 characters may be entered into this field. Since this information may be printed on the Inspection Ticket, typically instructions for the Inspector are typed into this field.
· Customer Equipment - this information is optional. If it is desired to list the equipment that should be inspected, make selections from the System Equipment list in the grid area.