Service Service Ticket Overview Parts

Parts Form Definitions

The Parts form is used to enter the inventory parts used on the service call.  If your company is using Stock Tracking, a Technician Appointment must first be scheduled to be able to add parts to the ticket.  When the ticket is invoiced or closed, the parts will be relieved from the warehouse associated with the Technician assigned to the ticket.

 If multiple Technicians are assigned to the Service Ticket and each Technician is linked to a unique Warehouse, when adding parts it is important to select the correct Technician so that inventory will be relieved from the correct warehouse.

The Parts form is divided into two tiers; the upper tier displays previously saved Parts and the lower tier is used to enter a new Parts.  When entering new parts, there are several fields will need to be selected or are auto-filled.  Each field on the Parts form will be described on the following pages.




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