Service Service Ticket Overview How Service Ticket Charges are Determined

How Service Ticket Charges are Determined

Once a Resolution Code is selected on the Service Ticket, the application goes through a series of checks to determine what charges will automatically be calculated to invoice the customer.  If a System is within the Warranty period, the user has the option of overriding the Warranty and the Service Level, and may invoice the customer for charges.

Systems Under Warranty

For Systems that are covered by the Warranty period of time, the following evaluations are made by the application.

Is the Resolution Code Billable?  

    No - Charges will not be calculated, and the Service Ticket is ready to be closed.

    Yes – Is the System within the Warranty Period?

Evaluate the Warranty Setup assigned to the System

   Are Parts covered by the Warranty?

No – parts will be calculated on the invoice based on the default Service Price in the part setup.

Yes – parts will not be charged on the invoice.

   Is Labor covered by the Warranty?

No – Labor charges will be calculated on the invoice based on the total Technician on-site time multiplied by the rate contained on the Service Ticket Service Level.

Yes – Labor charges will not be charged on the invoice.

   Are Other Charges covered by the Warranty?

No – User may manually enter Other charges into the Service Ticket which will appear on the invoice.

Yes – No Other charges may be entered on the Service Ticket.



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