Report Manager
Report Manager Overview
This topic section will describe the Report Manager, the permissions requirements to use the Report Manager, and folders grouped by each Module with definitions of each report available within the SedonaOffice application.
The Report Manager provides access to a list of pre-designed reports for various areas of the application. Access to the Report Manager is controlled by User Group Security as well as which reports are available to the Users linked to the User Groups. See page 3 for more on User Group Security.
Report names
followed by an asterisk (*) were custom designed by a SedonaOffice
Customer to meet the specifications specified by the designing
Customer. Changes to these reports may not be made without
the prior consent of the customer that commissioned SedonaOffice
for the report design.
Reports definitions in this section are grouped by the application module names; Client Management, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Job Management, Inventory, Service and Sales Management. Also available are List Reports; the List Reports are listings of values in many of the SedonaSetup Tables.