Report Manager Accounts Payable Reports
The A/P Aging Summary Report produces a report containing all unpaid Vendor Bills and unapplied Vendor Credits separated into aging bucket columns. Once the desired options have been selected, press the OK button to display the report in print preview mode.
Report Selections
Branch - The report default is to print data for all active and inactive Branches. If it is desired to print the data associated with one or multiple Branches, the User may highlight the first Branch, then depress the CTRL key and highlight additional Branches within the list.
· Hide Inactive Branches - If data is not to be listed for inactive Branches, select this option.
· Break Out by Branch - If this option is selected, a new page will begin with each unique Branch. Totals are printed after all data is printed for a Branch. The last page of the report will print Totals by Branch and a Grand Total for all Branches.
Vendor Type - The report default is to print data for all Vendor Types. If it is desired to print the data associated with one or multiple Vendor Types, the User may highlight the first Vendor Type, then depress the CTRL key and highlight additional Vendor Types within the list.
As of Date - Today's date will default into this field. If the report is desired for a past or future date, the User may change the date selection in this field.
Options - The default of this report is to Age by the Bill Due Date.
· Age by Billing Date - If this option is selected, the report will age the Vendors Bills based on the Bill Date of the Bill(s).