Report Manager Accounts Payable Reports
The Purchase Orders Report prints the Purchase Orders which meet the criteria of the options selected. Once the desired options have been selected, press the OK button to display the Purchase Orders in print preview mode.
Report Selections
Branch - The default is to display Purchase Orders All Branches. If the Purchase Orders created for only certain Branches is desired, the User may highlight the first Branch, then depress the CTRL key and highlight additional Branches within the list.
· Hide Inactive Branches - If data is not to be listed for inactive Branches, select this option.
Vendor - The default is to display Purchase Orders for All Vendors. If the Purchase Orders for only certain Vendors is desired, the User may highlight the first Vendor, then depress the CTRL key and highlight additional Vendors within the list.
· Hide Inactive Vendors - If data is not to be listed for inactive Vendors, select this option.
PO Date Range - The User must select the beginning and ending Purchase Order creation date for the report to determine which Purchase Orders will be displayed on the report.
PO List - Once a PO Date Range has been selected, a list of Purchase Orders created within the date range specified will be listed. The User may uncheck the box to the left of any Purchase Orders that are not to be printed. To uncheck all PO's in the list press the Untag All button.
Options - By default the Show Internal Part Code is the only option selected. Selecting the box to the left of any of the options will include that item from the report results.
· Show Internal Part Code - If this option is selected, the Part Code field from the part setup will print in parenthesis to the right of the description of the part.
· Show Part Detail - If this option is selected, the Detail field from the part setup will print below the part description.
· Hide Amounts - If this option is selected, only the quantity ordered will print; the Unit Cost and Total Cost information will be supressed.
· Show System Account - If this option is selected, and a Purchase Order is linked to either a Job or a Service Ticket, the System Account associated with the Job or Service Ticket will print below the Vendor name in the upper left area of the Purchase Order report.
Status - Options available are Open and Closed. The User may select Open (Purchase Orders) only, Closed (Purchase Orders) only or both.
Margins - Three margin setting fields are available for aligning the Purchase Order to fit on the paper. Since each printer works differently, the User may need to make an entry into one or all of the setting fields. If setting values are entered, the application will remember these settings the next time the User prints from the same workstation.