Report Manager  Service Reports

Technician Schedule

The Technician Schedule Report is designed to print a listing of Ticket (Service or Inspection) and/or Job scheduled appointments for Technicians and/or Installers.  This report may be generated for a single date or a date range.

Once the desired options have been selected, press the OK button to display the report in print preview mode.

Report Selections

Dates (Appointment Date) - This option will default to the Current date.  If a different Date Range is desired, the User may enter the From and To dates.

Display - Employee Code is selected by default; the User may select Employee Code or Employee Name to print on the report.

·             Employee Code - If this option is selected, the Employee Code field from the Employee Setup will be printed on the report.

·             Employee Name - If this option is selected, the Technician name printed will be formatted as: "Last Name, First Name" fields of the Employee Setup.

Options - The Show Service and Inspection Tickets option is selected by default; the User may select only one of the options.

·          Print Each Tech on a separate page - Selecting this option will begin a new page for each Technician's Appointments.

·          Include Resolved Service Tickets and Installed Jobs - Selecting this option will include Tickets where a resolution code has been selected and saved to the ticket and completed Jobs.  Completed Jobs are those where all tasks on the Job Task List have been approved.

·          Print Service and Install Lists separately - Selecting this option will print a new page for Ticket and Job appointments for each Technician.

·          Include Closed Service Tickets and Installed Jobs - Selecting this option will include Tickets and Jobs that have been closed.

Tech Type - The report default is to print appointments for both Service type employees, Install type employees or both.

·          Service - If appointments are to be printed for Service Technicians, select this option.

·          Install - If appointments are to be printed for Installers, select this option.  If this option is selected the User may select Appointments scheduled on the Job Schedule board or Appointments scheduled on the Appointment Summary.

Technicians - The report default is to print data for all active Technicians and Installers.  If it is desired to print the data associated with one or multiple Technicians, the User may select the checkbox to the left of each Technician desired.

Service Companies - The report default is to print data for all active Service Companies.  If it is desired to print the data associated with one or multiple Service Companies, the User may select the checkbox to the left of each Service Company desired.

Install Companies - The report default is to print data for all active Install Companies.  If it is desired to print the data associated with one or multiple Install Companies, the User may select the checkbox to the left of each Install Company desired.


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