SedonaSetup Application General Ledger Setup Tables/Options

Define GL Segments and Length


Assign G/L code lengths that will be used for financial reporting at the General Ledger code, Category and Branch levels with FRX software.



 Required or Optional:


FRX is a Microsoft financial reporting software application, which is an add-on companion to SedonaOffice.  FRX allows you to create customized financial statements as well as link to budget spreadsheets to compare budget projections to the actual financial results.  This setup is used for all SedonaOffice customers regardless if your company has purchased the FRX product.

The GL Account Code Length is the only item on this setup form that may be modified.  This is the number of digits all general ledger account numbers must be set.  The Branch and Category GL Code Lengths are fixed values, however if your company requires this to be a different value, inform your SedonaOffice trainer to make this modification.