SedonaSetup Application General Ledger Setup Tables/Options

Chart of Accounts Information

Account Type Code                    Description

OIN                                        Other Income

OEX                                        Other Expense

AR                                        Accounts Receivable

IN                                        Income

BANK                                        Bank

OCA                                        Other Current Asset

FA                                        Fixed Asset

OA                                        Other Asset

AP                                        Accounts Payable

CC                                        Credit Card

OCL                                        Other Current Liability

LTL                                        Long Term Liability

EQ                                        Equity

CGS                                        Cost of Goods Sold

EX                                        Expense

At a minimum, the following G/L accounts are required for each module implemented to process financial transactions:

Accounts Receivable                    Accounts Payable                     Job Management                              

Open Balance Equity (EQ)          Accounts Payable                     Labor Expense

Accounts Receivable (AR)          Primary Checking                     Labor Deferred          

Deferred Revenue (OCL)          Inventory Receipts                                        

Customer Refunds (OCL)                                        

Late Fee (OIN)                              Inventory                                                  

Discount (IN or EX)                    Inventory (Asset)

Advanced Deposit (OCL)          Cost of Goods Sold (Jobs)

Unapplied Cash (OCL)                    Cost of Goods Sold (Service)                                                            

Unapplied Credit (OCL)          Cost of Goods Sold (Other)                                        

Un-deposited Funds (OCA)          Physical Inventory Adjustment (COGS)                                                  

Prepaid Accounts Receivable (OCL)



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