SedonaSetup Application  Accounts Payable Setup Tables/Options



Create a list of Vendors from whom you purchase materials or services.  Used on Purchase Orders and A/P.


Chart of Accounts, Vendor Type, Branch, Category, Terms

 Required or Optional:

Required if using the Accounts Payable Module

If using the Accounts Payable module, you will need to create one record for each Vendor from whom you receive bills for materials or services. The Vendor records created will be selectable from the drop down list when creating Purchase Orders, entering Vendor bills or receiving parts.

Required fields on the form are: Vendor Code, Vendor Type, Name, Address, Branch, Category, Terms.

The SedonaSetup form for Vendors is currently being redesigned.  Vendor records must be created from the main application.  Navigate to the main application menu tree and select Accounts Payable/Vendors.  Press the new button at the bottom of the Vendor List to enter a new Vendor.  Press the Save button when finished.