SedonaSetup Application  Accounts Receivable Setup Tables/Options

Invoice Items Field Definitions

Item Type:  Each Invoice Item is assigned to an Item Type, which is used to determine the taxability of the item.  For more information on sales tax, see Tax Groups and Tax Tables later in this reference guide. 

Item (Code): The code you assign that users will be able to select from when creating lines on an invoice or credit memo.  The code does not print on the customer invoices.

Description:  Description of the invoice item; will print on customer invoices.

Non-Deferred Income Flag:  If the Item Type selected is RS (recurring service) you may choose whether to defer the income for this invoice item code.

Account:  Each Invoice Item is linked to a G/L Account (typically an Income type account).  This is the G/L Account that will be credited or debited on invoice transactions. 

Category:  The default category to be assigned to this invoice item.  The category entered here may be overridden on each invoice line created in invoice processing.

Job Costing Method:  This field is not used at this time.

Default Rate:  The default rate entered will be used in Invoices and Credits when selecting this Invoice Item, but may be overridden on each invoice line created in invoice processing.

Taxable Flag:  Determines if Sales Tax should be charged on this Item, if the item meets the sales tax rules for the taxing jurisdiction of the site location.  If this box is left un-checked, the invoice item will never be taxed.

Available for Sales Flag:  This flag is used in conjunction with third-party quoting software applications.  If this flag is selected, the invoice item will be exported to the quoting software.



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