SedonaSetup Application Accounts Receivable Setup Tables/Options
Bank Name
Company Banks: Enter the name G/L Account Number for the bank.
Customer Banks: Enter the bank routing number.
Description – Enter the name of the financial institution.
Routing Number – For both company and customer banks, enter the bank routing number.
Customer Bank - For Company banks leave un-checked. For Customer banks, check this box.
Next Check # – Company banks only; enter the next check number that will be printed. You may set this number later when you are ready to begin using the SedonaOffice software.
GL Account – Company banks only; select the general ledger account number from the drop-down list corresponding to this bank.
Check Form – SedonaOffice has one standard three-part laser check printing format available, that is designed to print on check stock purchased from McBee or Deluxe Corp. Your form selection will determine where the check will print on the form. Below is the list of check forms.
CS01 - McBee check at the top
CS02 - McBee check in the middle
CS03 - McBee check at the bottom
CS04 - Deluxe check at the top
CS05 - Deluxe check in the middle
CS06 - Deluxe check at the bottom