SedonaSetup Application  Client Management Setup Tables/Options

Data Entry Defaults


To set up default values that will default into key data entry forms


Branch, Tax Groups, Terms, System Type, Contract Form, Categories, Invoice Descriptions RMR Reasons

 Required or Optional:


The selections made on the Data Entry Defaults form will default into the appropriate fields when creating new customers, sites, systems and recurring lines.  Using defaults speeds up the data entry time.  The defaults that you select in each field on this form should be what choice would be made most of the time.  These defaults may be overridden by the user at the time of data entry.

Area Code:  If you have made an entry in this field and a user does not enter an area code for a phone number during data entry, the area code default will automatically be saved as a part of the phone number.  This field should only be used if all of your customer, site and contact phone numbers will only be in one area code.