SedonaSetup Application  Service Setup Tables/Options 

Problem Codes


To define a list of codes that identify why a customer is requiring service.  The problem code is a required field on each Service or Inspection Ticket.



 Required or Optional:


Problem Codes are used to identify why the customer is requesting service.  This is a required field on a service ticket.  These codes will print on the Service Ticket, and should be descriptive enough to assist the technician in understanding the reported problem and being able to address the issue when arriving on site.  Problem codes are also used for Inspection Tickets.

There are two types of Problem Codes that you may create; Master Problem Codes and Secondary Problem Codes.  Secondary problem codes are optional.  Each service ticket has a selection field for a Master and a Secondary problem code.  The Master Problem code could be a very general description of the problem and the Secondary Problem Code would be more detailed information about the reported issue.  For example, a Master Problem Code could be Burg System Problem and a Secondary Problem Code associated with this could be Fail to Communicate.

Associated with the Problem Code are three other key fields; Priority, Estimated time, and Expertise Level.  When a Service Ticket is created and a Problem code is selected from the list, the priority, estimated time and expertise level will default into these respective fields on the ticket.  Each Technician is assigned an Expertise Level in the Technician setup record.  When the service ticket is being assigned to a technician, the system checks the expertise level required for the problem code against the expertise level assigned to the selected technician.  If the Technician’s expertise level is below the requirement for this problem code, the SedonaOffice application will display a warning message that the technician is not qualified to perform this work.  You may accept this and go ahead and assign the technician or use this warning to select a better qualified technician.  The estimated time and expertise level fields that will default onto the service ticket may be overridden by the user.  If the Problem Code is to be used as a Master Problem Code, check the Is Master box at the bottom of the form.  If the Problem Code is to be used as a Secondary Problem Code, uncheck the Is Master box.