SedonaSetup Application  Job Management Setup Tables/Options 

Setup Processing Job Management


To define default accounts and other information related to posting expenses for materials, labor, overhead and commissions for installation jobs.


Chart of Accounts

 Required or Optional:

Required if using Jobs

The Job Processing setup form is used to create default values that will be used when creating Installation Company records.  This table also contains a control for locking a sales month.  Setting up these preferences is an essential part of the setup process in order for the Job Management module to track Job Costing.  This setup form determines how your Job Costing will be setup. 

The four costing areas on this form are Materials/Parts, Labor, Overhead and Commissions.  You may either expense at the time of data entry or use a work in process account for posting these job related expenses. Work in process accounts are used mainly for larger jobs that may span accounting periods.  You may choose not to track any Job Costing by making certain all three flags (labor, overhead, commissions) are left unchecked.  If you have not made selections on the Costing form of the Job Type or the Install Company, these accounts will be used to process job costing transactions.

The Restrict Sales Month option provides control over the month and year in which date may be entered as the sold date on a job. This allows you to capture accurate monthly sales data and not have it modified.  If the Restrict Sales Month option is activated, no jobs or job change orders may be back dated into a closed sales month.

Follow the page links at the bottom of this page for definitions of each field contained on this setup form.




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