Accounts Receivable Credit Requests How To Create a Credit Request for an Invoice
Credit Requests for a Customer Invoice (continued)
5. Generate the Credit Memo - Once all sign-offs have been completed the Credit Memo may be created and posted. If the User creating the Credit Request has permissions to credit off invoices, that User will be prompted to generate the credit memo when pressing the Save button on the Credit Request form.
If the Credit Request was created by a User that does not have permissions to generate a Credit Memo, the Credit Request will be sent to the Credit Request List and will remain there until a User with the appropriate permissions approves and generates the Credit Memo.
6. For User’s that will have permissions to generate Credit Memos, navigate to the Accounts Receivable main menu and select the Credit Request menu option. A list of all open Credit Requests will be displayed.
7. From the Credit Request List, either double-click the Credit Request to process into a credit memo or highlight the Credit Request in the list and press the Edit button located at the lower right of the list.