Accounts Receivable Credit Requests Credit Request for an Invoice and Invoice Another Customer
How to Create a Credit Request for a Customer Invoice and Invoice Another Customer
A User may create a Credit Request for a selected invoice on a customer account and at the same time select a different customer for which you want to create a new invoice. Using this option credits off the invoice on one customer and automatically creates an invoice for a different customer using the same Invoice Items and/or Parts that were used on the originating customer’s invoice. This feature would be used if you accidentally invoiced the incorrect customer.
There are two ways to begin the Credit Request, both options are listed below.
1. Navigate to the Main Application Tree and select Accounts Receivable/Credit Request then press the New button located at the lower right of the Credit Request List; or the User may navigate to a Customer Explorer record; select Credit Requests from the customer tree; right-click and select the New Credit Request option.
2. Select the Customer - Once the Credit Request form is displayed, the User will select the customer number for the request. If the Credit Request was started from the Customer Explorer, the customer number will automatically be populated.
3. Enter the Invoice Number - In the Invoice# field, type in the invoice to be credited off. If the User forgets which invoice number to type into the form, press the Customer Tree button located on the Main Application Function Button Toolbar to open the Customer Explorer and locate the correct invoice number for the Credit Request. The User may then close the Customer Explorer and continue on with the Credit Request.