Accounts Receivable EFT Processing Automatic Payments - Miscellaneous G/L Account

Automatic Payments – Miscellaneous G/L Account

Credit Card or ACH

An automatic payment may be set up by the User that will be applied to a miscellaneous G/L account for any customer where there is a credit card or ACH customer bank on file for the customer.  This option is typically used when you are processing a payment for a cancelled customer and the customer’s invoices have previously been written off to a bad debt account.  Processing the payment and selecting to post to the same bad debt G/L Account will offset the invoices previously written off.

1.  Open the Customer Explorer record for which for which an automatic payment will be set up.

2.  From the Customer Tree, highlight the menu option Payment Options.  Right-click and select the Enter New EFT Transaction option.

3.  Enter the EFT Payment Information - The New EFT Entry form will be displayed.  Select either a Bank or Credit Card to be used for the automatic payment transaction.  Select the Miscellaneous Income button.  In the Description field you may enter up to 50 characters of text.  This information will appear on the customer’s credit card or bank statement.  In the Amount field, enter the amount for the automatic payment.  In the Hold Date field, enter the date you want to be able to submit this transaction for funding.  In the GL Account field type in or lookup the GL Account number to be used.  When the payment is posted in SedonaOffice the bank account will be debited and the GL account selected will be credited.  Select the appropriate Category Code from the drop-down list.

4.  Save the EFT Payment Information - Once all information is entered, press the Save button located at the lower right of this form.  This transaction will now appear in the list of transactions to submit for processing in the EFT Processing List.
