Accounts Receivable EFT Processing Live Transactions

Live Transactions

The Live Transactions feature allows a User to immediately verify whether a credit card has an available amount of credit on the credit card to fulfill the automatic payment of one or multiple invoices.  Within just a few seconds, the User will receive a response message indicating whether the transaction is approved or declined.  If the transaction is approved, the transaction will be processed for funding with the normal batch transactions.  If the transaction is declined, the User will be able to communicate this information to the customer.  This feature is often used in collection situations.

1.  Open the Customer Explorer record for which for which an automatic payment will be set up and processed as a Live Transaction.

2.  From the Customer Tree, highlight the menu option Payment Options.  Right-click and select the Enter New EFT Transaction option.

3.  Enter the EFT Payment Information - The New EFT Entry form will be displayed.  Select the Bank or Credit Card to be used for the payment transaction.  In the Description field you may enter up to 50 characters of text.  This information will appear on the customer’s credit card or bank statement.  In the Hold Date field, enter the date you want to be able to submit this transaction for funding.  You may select to pay all of the invoices on the list by pressing the Pay All Invoices button located at the lower right of this form.  If only selected invoices are being paid, select the checkbox to the left of each invoice that will be submitted for payment.  A Live Transaction may also be processed for unapplied cash.  Select the unapplied cash radio button, then enter the description and amount of the payment to be processed.

4.  Validate the Credit Card Payment - Once all information is entered, press the Live Transaction button located at the lower left of this form.  A message will be displayed confirming whether you are ready to authorize the transaction.  Press the Yes button to continue the process.

Note:  ACH Direct charges an extra processing fee for Live Transactions.




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