Accounts Receivable Credit Off Invoices How to Credit Off Invoices

How To Credit-Off Invoices

Follow the instructions below to credit off one or multiple customer invoices.

1.  Navigate to the main application menu and select the Accounts Receivable / Credit Off Invoices menu option.

2.  Enter Selection Criteria - The Credit Off Invoice Balance form will be displayed.  Fill in the required fields then press the green arrow button to the right of the Invoice Balance field to generate a list of customer invoices that meet the criteria entered.

As of Invoice Date – Enter the desired date.  The application will search for all invoices dated on or prior to the date entered in this field.

Invoice Balance Less Than or Equal To – Enter the desired amount.  The application will search for all invoices dated on or prior to the date enter in the As of Invoice Date field that have an open balance that is equal to or less than the amount entered in this field.

3.  Review the Results List – After pressing the green arrow a list will be display with all invoices that met the date and amount criteria entered.  The User may exclude any of the invoices presented on the list by un-checking the checkbox located to the left of the invoice number. 

In the header area of this form will be a total of all invoices that met the User’s selection criteria and a total of all the customer invoices that have been selected to be credited off.



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