General Ledger  Royalties & Commissions

Royalties & Commissions

The Royalties and Commissions option is used to display a listing of all Recurring Royalties or Job Commissions that are due to an Employee or Vendor.  The information displayed is derived from two sources of data; Commissions setup on Jobs and Royalties setup on Recurring Lines.  The results displayed on this form is used when your company is ready to issue checks to Employees or Vendors to whom royalty or commission payments are due. 

Please refer to the topic links below for information on how to setup and use the Royalties and Commissions function.

Recurring Royalties Overview

Recurring Royalties - Setup for an Employee

Recurring Royalties - Setup for a Vendor

Using the GL Royalties & Commissions function for Recurring Royalties - Employees

Using the GL Royalties & Commissions function for Recurring Royalties - Vendors

Job Commissions Overview

Using the GL Royalties & Commissions function for Job Commissions