Accounts Payable Credits Delete a Vendor Credit

Delete a Vendor Credit

A Vendor Credit may be deleted with some limitations.

All Vendor Credits - The only Credits which may be deleted are those where the Credit has not be fully or partially applied to Bills and where the Credit Date is in an open accounting period or the accounting period is in the Re-Opened status and the User has permissions to modify data in Re-Opened Accounting Periods.

Vendor Credits for Parts - If a Vendor Credit that contained Parts is deleted, there is no effect on your inventory balances.  Deleting this type of Credit will re-open the Part Return record.

  Deleting a Vendor Credit is permanent!  Make certain this is what you want to do.

To delete Vendor Credit, follow the instructions below.

1.  Navigate to the Main Application Menu and select Accounts Payable/Vendors.  Open the desired Vendor Explorer record.

2.  From the Vendor Explorer double-click on the Credit to be deleted listed under the Vendor Open Credits section.

3.  Once the Vendor Credit is displayed, from the Main Application Function Button Toolbar press the Delete button.  A confirmation message will be displayed asking the User if they are certain they want to delete the Vendor Credit; press the Yes button to proceed with the deletion.
