Inventory Transfers Transfer from Inventory/Transfer Menu Option

Transfers using the Inventory/Transfer Menu Option (continued)

Transfer Option Buttons - If Min and Max stock levels have been setup on any parts in the transfer To Warehouse, selecting the Bring Quantity Up to Minimum or Bring Quantity Up to Maximum will evaluate the current on-hand quantity and auto fill the Quantity to Transfer grid with the parts needed to replenish the stock to the desired levels.  If not using Min and Max stock levels, select the Manual Transfer option button.

Part Code - Either type in the exact part number or press the   button in the right of the field to search for and select the part.

Transfer Quantity - Enter the Quantity being transferred then press the Add button.  If there are not enough parts in the From Warehouse to satisfy the transfer quantity entered, a message will be displayed to the User indicating how may parts are available for transfer.

4.  As each part is entered and the Add button is pressed, the part will appear in the list of parts to transfer on the right side of the Transfers form.  Once all parts have been selected, press the Save button located at the lower right of the Transfers form.

5.  A confirmation message will be displayed; make certain the correct To and From Warehouses have been selected then press the Yes button on the confirmation message box.




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